Results for 'Wh Rudt de'

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  1. L'empereur Isaac de Chypre et sa fille (1155-1207).Wh Rudt de - 1968 - Byzantion 38 (1).
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  2. Uber den Einfluss Schopenhauers auf die Ausbildung der Philosophie von Wilhelm Dilthey.Wh Muller - 1985 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 66:215-223.
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  3. Jahwe in Agypten. Unabgeschlossene historische Spekulationen über Moses Bedeutung für Israels Glauben J. en Egypte. Spéculations historiques inachevées sur l'importance de Moïse pour la foi d'Israël. [REVIEW]Schmidt Wh - 1976 - Kairos (misc) 18 (1):43-54.
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  4. De Re Thought, Object Identity, and Knowing-Wh*.Ludovic Soutif - 2012 - Analytica (Rio) 16 (1-2):133-164.
    In this paper, I discuss a view of de re thoughts that can be naturally endorsed in the wake of Russell's account. This is the view that a thought is about the very thing (res) rather than a mere characterization of it if and only if it is constitutively tied, if not to the existence, at least to the identity of its object and the thinker knows which/who the object of his/her thought is. Faced with the challenge of accommodating far (...)
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    Wh-Cliticisation: The derivation of operator-variable links and wh-words in Berber.Jamal Ouhalla & Abdelhak El Hankari - 2015 - Corpus 14:235-262.
    This article explores a phenomenon found in Berber whereby the extraction of dative arguments (of verbs, nouns and prepositions) gives rise to two occurrences of wh. One is a wh-word located in Spec,C and the other a wh-clitic in the dative form located in C (wh-clitic-doubling). Close examination reveals that the wh-word in Spec,C functions as an operator base-generated in its scope position and the dative wh-clitic in C provides it with a derivational link to the variable in the dative (...)
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    Immunity to wh-misidentification.Aidan McGlynn - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):2293-2313.
    This paper responds to arguments due to Joel Smith and Annalisa Coliva that try to show that James Pryor’s notion of wh-misidentification is philosophically uninteresting, and perhaps even spurious. It also proposes definitions of wh-misidentification and immunity to wh-misidentification which try to improve in various ways on the characterisations that standardly figure in the literature, and explores the relationship between misidentification and the epistemic structures characteristic of some kinds of Gettier cases.
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  7. La science comme approximation de la vérité. Analyse critique de la conception de WH Newton-Smith.S. Olczyk - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 283:153-167.
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    Yes/no and Wh-Questions in Ǹjò̩-Kóo : A Unified Analysis.Simeon Olaogun - 2018 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 16 (1).
    Cet article, s’inscrit dans le cadre minimaliste de la syntaxe générative et étudie oui / non et wh-questions dans la langue Ǹjò̩-kóo, parlée dans l’état de Ondo au Nigeria. On observe que la particule interrogative pour des questions de type oui / non qui suit systématiquement le sujet DP se trouve également dans des clauses avec wh-questions. Cet article soutient que oui / non et wh-questions sont projetées par la même tête fonctionnelle Inter˚, et que wh-words ne participent pas à (...)
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  9. What Mary Did Yesterday: Reflections on Knowledge-wh.Berit Brogaard - 2009 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 78 (2):439 - 467.
    Reductionists about knowledge-wh hold that "s knows-wh" (e.g. "John knows who stole his car") is reducible to "there is a proposition p such that s knows that p, and p answers the indirect question of the wh-clause." Anti-reductionists hold that "s knows-wh" is reducible to "s knows that p, as the true answer to the indirect question of the wh-clause." I argue that both of these positions are defective. I then offer a new analysis of knowledge-wh as a special kind (...)
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    Les questions, wh et la thématisation, une enquête.Pierre Cotte - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 29 (HS).
    Les concepts de thème et de thématisation sont généralement considérés comme centraux dans l’analyse sémantique et pragmatique des textes et des énoncés ; toutefois ils ne figurent guère dans les études sur les questions. L’article défend l’idée qu’ils sont essentiels pour comprendre les interrogatives ; il utilise ces concepts dans le cadre d’une analyse génétique des structures interrogatives.
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  11. A~ D Stein, wh.S. Moore - 1963 - Method.~ Enzym. 6 19.
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    Armageddon 95 Arndt, W. 61 Attridge, H. 79 Auden, WH 162 Augustine 39, 125, 128, 267.P. Abelard, M. Adams, J. Adderley, African Traditional Religion, T. Agbola, B. Aland, C. Alexander, G. Alföldy, M. Althaus-Reid & T. Altizer - 2012 - In Zoë Bennett & David B. Gowler (eds.), Radical Christian Voices and Practice: Essays in Honour of Christopher Rowland. Oxford University Press. pp. 297.
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    L’exclamation en anglais : point de vue diachronique.Sylvie Hancil - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 29 (HS).
    L’analyse de l’exclamation d’un point de vue diachronique fait l’objet de notre étude dans cet article. Le point de départ de l’analyse est la définition de l’Oxford English Dictionary et on se propose de citer les principales formes exclamatives depuis le vieil anglais et de comprendre comment elles sont analysées à cette époque. On poursuit l’étude historique par une analyse diachronique des fonctions exclamatives des mots en wh-, en particulier what et how puis on s’intéresse aux marqueurs d’intensité so et (...)
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    Justus von Liebig und August Wilhelm Hofmann in ihren Briefen (1841-1873) hrsg. von WH Brock.Jean Jacques - 1986 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 39 (3):281-281.
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    Les pronoms non anaphoriques : perspectives de grammaire générative transformationnelle.Anne Jugnet - 2022 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    La distribution des pronoms anaphoriques est un enjeu central dans un ensemble de travaux en grammaire générative transformationnelle classique, les contraintes sur les pronoms anaphoriques étant un des thèmes centraux de la théorie du gouvernement et du liage. Les pronoms non anaphoriques n’ont pas fait l’objet d’un traitement aussi systématique, mais leur analyse repose sur des concepts centraux à l’analyse transformationnelle. D’une part cette analyse implique une réflexion sur le mouvement et motive la distinction entre structure de surface et structure (...)
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    Emedded Questions and 'De Dicto' Readings.Yael Sharvit - 2002 - Natural Language Semantics 10 (2):97-123.
    It is argued, contra Beck and Rullmann (1999), and with Heim (1994), that the sources of strongly exhaustive interpretations and `de dicto' interpretations of wh-complements of veridical question-embedding verbs are one and the same. Beck and Rullmann's theory is shown to predict certain `de dicto' readings which do not exist, while a particular rendition of Heim's theory is shown to constrain the generation of `de dicto' readings in the correct way.
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    La efectividad de la enseñanza de la entonación de implicaturas en inglés a profesores en formación cuya lengua materna es el español.Marco Sandro Antonio Ugarte Olea - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (2):399-414.
    When it comes to Second and Foreign Language Teaching, the teaching of pronunciation has, for long, been neglected and it has not been given due attention in textbooks. Additionally, studies tend to focus on only some intonation patterns such as wh- questions and yes-no questions, leaving other patterns which are as important unexplored. Thus, a research gap is generated. This study aims to narrow that gap by means of exploring the effectiveness of the teaching of intonation to Spanish-speaking trainee teachers (...)
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    Les questions en anglais d’un point de vue diachronique.Sylvie Hancil - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 29 (HS).
    La thématique des questions d’un point de vue diachronique est l’objet de cet article. Dans un premier temps, est proposé un tour d’horizon des questions ouvertes et fermées depuis le vieil anglais avant de nous intéresser à l’apparition et à l’évolution des pronoms relatifs en wh-. L’auxiliaire do est brièvement discuté. Sont ensuite analysés les syntagmes nominaux thématisés et les prédications existentielles, puis les questions tags ainsi que la grammaticalisation des questions fermées.
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    La dramatización de la Filosofía.Matthew Lipman - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (14):94-100.
    For Lipman, philosophy needs to approximate human interests by being dramatized, as proposed here with a new viewpoint: “to reveal life is to reveal drama.” The life of a philosopher is “revitalized in a comprehensive re-telling,” in the philosophical question and the reflective concerns of wh..
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  20. Knowing Who.Steven Boër & William Lycan - 1986 - MIT Press.
    This is the first detailed study to explore the little-understood notions of "knowing who someone is," "knowing a person's identity," and related locutions. It locates these notions within the context of a general theory of believing and a semantical theory of belief- and knowledge-ascriptions.The books's main contention is that what one knows, when one knows who someone is, is not normally an identity in the numerical sense of "a = b," but rather a certain sort of predication to know who (...)
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  21. Know How to Transmit Knowledge?Ted Poston - 2015 - Noûs 50 (4):865-878.
    Intellectualism about knowledge-how is the view that practical knowledge is a species of propositional knowledge. I argue that this view is undermined by a difference in properties between knowledge-how and both knowledge-that and knowledge-wh. More specifically, I argue that both knowledge-that and knowledge-wh are easily transmitted via testimony while knowledge-how is not easily transmitted by testimony. This points to a crucial difference in states of knowledge. I also consider Jason Stanley's attempt to subsume knowledge-how under an account of de se (...)
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    The Epistemology of Immunity to Error through Misidentification.Ivan Hu - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (3):113-133.
    This paper offers several new insights into the epistemology of immunity to error through misidentification, by refining James Pryor’s distinction between de re misidentification and wh-misidentification. This is crucial for identifying exactly what is at issue in debates over the Immunity thesis that, roughly, all introspection-based beliefs about one’s own occurrent psychological states are immune to error through misidentification. I contend that the debate between John Campbell and Annalisa Coliva over whether the phenomenon of thought insertion provides empirical evidence against (...)
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    Les questions en grammaire générative.Jean-Charles Khalifa - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 29 (HS).
    Dans cette contribution, nous examinons, dans la perspective de la grammaire générative version Principles & Parameters, l’architecture des interrogatives, en traitant successivement des questions directes ouvertes et fermées, puis des questions imbriquées, après de brèves considérations théoriques permettant de saisir les niveaux de construction et les différents mouvements mis en jeu. Nous concluons par un très bref aperçu des mêmes structures analysées dans la perspective un peu plus récente du Split-CP, où les projections sont multipliées dans la périphérie gauche des (...)
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    Salvien de Marseille.Daniel De Decker - 1998 - Augustinianum 38 (1):223-277.
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  25. De toets doorstaan?: toetsing van filosofie-onderwijs nader beschouwd.J. de Jeu - 1984 - [Rotterdam]: Onderwijs-Research/Centrale Interfaculteit, E.U.R./R.U.G.. Edited by P. Mostert.
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  26. Reconstruction and its problems.Yael Sharvit - manuscript
    This paper is concerned with reconstruction theories of which-questions, and shows that one major limitation of these approaches lies in the way these theories derive de dicto readings of sentences such as Mary knows which children cried. Specifically, we show that when a wide range of de dicto facts is considered, an analysis where wh-phrases never reconstruct must be preferred over the reconstruction approach.
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  27. Arithmetic Judgements, First-Person Judgements and Immunity to Error Through Misidentification.Michele Palmira - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 10 (1):155-172.
    The paper explores the idea that some singular judgements about the natural numbers are immune to error through misidentification by pursuing a comparison between arithmetic judgements and first-person judgements. By doing so, the first part of the paper offers a conciliatory resolution of the Coliva-Pryor dispute about so-called “de re” and “which-object” misidentification. The second part of the paper draws some lessons about what it takes to explain immunity to error through misidentification. The lessons are: First, the so-called Simple Account (...)
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    Le grand-parent maltraitant : questions théorico-cliniques et pratique de réseau.Emmanuel de Becker - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 230 (4):141-157.
    La prévalence des situations de maltraitance sur enfants demeure importante, celles-ci intervenant habituellement dans le cadre familier de la jeune victime. Si de nombreux aspects théoriques et cliniques des formes de maltraitance sont aujourd’hui étudiés, peu de travaux se centrent sur les questions spécifiques des transgressions commises par les grands-parents. À partir d’une vignette clinique, l’auteur montre l’utilité d’une prise en charge s’appuyant sur les temps successifs que constituent l’évaluation et le traitement. Tenir un cadre et évaluer, c’est-à-dire faire émerger (...)
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  29. The Samba Schools of Rio De Janeiro or the Domestication of an Urban Mass.Maria Isaura Péreira de Queiroz - 1985 - Diogenes 33 (129):1-32.
    Rio de Janeiro, the opening of the carnival. On the Friday evening preceding Mardi Gras, the mayor of Rio hands over the keys to the city to King Momo, sovereign of the carnival. Immediately the samba breaks out in the brightly lit streets of the city. Newspapers, magazines and television feature big headlines describing the event and glorifying the holiday kingdom. They all report that the city is being shaken by winds of madness, that licence and inversions of every variety (...)
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    Epítome y compendio de la lógica o dialéctica.Abraham Cohen de Herrera - 2002 - Bologna: CLUEB.
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    Kern en consequenties van de forumtheorie: over wetenschappelijke "waarheid".Adrianus Dingeman de Groot - 1985 - New York: Noord-Hollandsche Uitg. Mij..
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    La causalité de l'agent.Roberta de Monticelli - 1997 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 95 (4):673-688.
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  33. Philosophy of Benedict de Spinoza.Benedictus de Spinoza - 1933 - New York,: Tudor publishing co.. Edited by Robert Harvey Monro Elwes.
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    Aquinas and Heidegger: The Question of Philosophical Theology.Vincent Guagliardo - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (3):407-442.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AQUINAS AND HEIDEGGER: THE QUESTION OF BIDLOSOPHICAL THEOLOGY VINCENT GUAGLIARDO, O.P. Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology Graduate Theological Union Berkeley, Oalifornia I N IDS BOOK, Hediegger and Aquinas: An Essay on Overcoming Metaphysics, John D. Caputo recommends a " deconstruction" of Aquinas' philosophical theology in order to let.the true ·element orf his thought, mysticism, come to the fore. Caputo argues persuasively that Aquinas' thought, expressed · is in (...)
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  35. Vendler’s puzzle about imagination.Justin D’Ambrosio & Daniel Stoljar - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12923-12944.
    Vendler’s :161–173, 1979) puzzle about imagination is that the sentences ‘Imagine swimming in that water’ and ‘Imagine yourself swimming in that water’ seem at once semantically different and semantically the same. They seem semantically different, since the first requires you to imagine ’from the inside’, while the second allows you to imagine ’from the outside.’ They seem semantically the same, since despite superficial dissimilarity, there is good reason to think that they are syntactically and lexically identical. This paper sets out (...)
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    XVI. Les lois organiques de l’histoire de la Psychologie.Maurice De Wulf - 1897 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 10 (1-4):393-408.
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    Melodrama e esc'ndalo da mãe. Relatos biográficos de celebridades no jornalismo de entretenimento e de fofocas.Marina Sanchez de Bustamante - 2025 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 34:168-198.
    A partir de uma variedade de histórias sobre a vida íntima de mulheres famosas, o jornalismo de entretenimento e de fofocas compõe avaliações e julgamentos sobre emoções e comportamentos que alimentam atribuições culturais sobre a maternidade. Este artigo identifica duas matrizes culturais implicadas na narrativa jornalística do showbiz e dos chimentos - melodrama e escândalo - e analisa sua articulação na produção biográfica sobre mães celebridades que prolifera em revistas, programas de televisão e plataformas dedicadas a notícias sobre celebridades. Enquadrado (...)
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    La passion de la vérité chez Simone Weil (1909-1943).Jean de Miollis - 1987 - Paris: Téqui.
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    Un actif foyer intellectuel de province.Charles Melchior de Molènes - 1975 - Revue de Synthèse 96 (77-78):218-220.
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  40. La philosophie de Martin Heidegger.Alphonse de Waelhens - 1948 - Louvain,: Éditions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie.
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    La gramática de las pasiones en la era de la igualdad: Tocqueville acerca del pathos democrático.Juan Antonio González de Requena Farré - 2012 - Tópicos 23:47-63.
    El pathos de la democracia moderna ha sido descrito de diversos modos, aunque comúnmente en un sentido unívoco. A veces, se dice que la era de la igualdad exhibe una reflexividad y un autocontrol desapasionados; otras veces, la modernidad es retratada como un proceso de exacerbación de los deseos, o como una gran transformación de las pasiones en intereses razonables. Además, las pasiones democráticas son vistas frecuentemente como pequeños sentimientos domésticos, alienados de la esfera pública, gestionados en una intimidad clausurada, (...)
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    El universo de Teilhard de Chardin.Luz Lazo de Conover - 1968 - [México,: Editorial Citlaltépet].
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    Knowing-Who in Quantified Epistemic Logic.Maria Aloni - 2018 - In Hans van Ditmarsch & Gabriel Sandu (eds.), Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game Theoretical Semantics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 109-129.
    This article proposes an account of knowing-who constructions within a generalisation of Hintikka’s quantified epistemic logic employing the notion of a conceptual cover Aloni PhD thesis [1]. The proposed logical system captures the inherent context-sensitivity of knowing-wh constructions Boër and Lycan, as well as expresses non-trivial cases of so-called concealed questions Heim. Assuming that quantifying into epistemic contexts and knowing-who are linked in the way Hintikka had proposed, the context dependence of the latter will translate into a context dependence of (...)
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    Memory without identity.Daniel Morgan - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    I defend the view that episodic memory judgments do not depend on any kind of identification of oneself as the person whose past is being remembered, and are therefore logically (rather than merely de facto) immune from error through misidentification relative to “I”. There are two challenges to this view that have been pressed in the literature. One appeals to the idea of background presuppositions of identity and says that “I am the person from whom my memory impression derives” is (...)
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    A constituição de sentido como acontecimento: Heidegger e a transformação da fenomenologia.Gabriel Lago de Sousa Barroso - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (1):17-38.
    O conceito de acontecimento é um dos temas centrais do pensamento de Heidegger e oferece um fio condutor para a compreensão de sua obra. Este artigo mostra como a gênese deste conceito está diretamente relacionada à transformação da fenomenologia empreendida por Heidegger ao longo de suas primeiras preleções em Freiburg e fornece algumas indicações sobre a importância deste tópico para o desenvolvimento da ontologia fundamental em Ser e tempo. Nossa análise se divide em três partes. Em primeiro lugar, abordamos a (...)
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    Inviabilidad ética y biojurídica de los bebés medicamento.Amparo de Jesús Zárate Cuello - 2021 - Persona y Bioética 25 (1):1-2.
    Reseña del libro: Amparo de Jesús Zárate Cuello y Orietta Ivonne Beltrán Casas. Del diagnóstico preimplantatorio al niño medicamento en Colombia: una mirada en torno a la eugenesia positiva. Legislación comparada con el ordenamiento jurídico español. Bogotá: Editorial Neogranadina, 2020. DOI:
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    E Do Medo Se Fez Riso Ou Dos Usos Do Medo Em Aristófanes: Metacomédia e Construção de Personagem.Jane Kelly de Oliveira - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 33 (33):91-101.
    O presente artigo resulta da palestra por mim proferida durante o I Simpósio de Filosofia e Literatura Clássica da Universidade Federal de Tocantins “O medo entre os Gregos e os Latinos” e da discussão que a sucedeu. Na época do evento, ocorrido de forma remota na segunda quinzena de maio de 2022, o mundo estava submerso na pandemia de Covid-19 há mais de dois anos e sofria com as inseguranças e os medos que tal situação fomentava. Diante desse contexto, nosso (...)
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    APRESENTAÇÃO DE LIVRO - Nietzsche e a dissolução da moral.Vânia Dutra de Azevedo - 2003 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 48 (2):307-313.
    Apresentação da obra Nietzsche e a dissolução da moral.
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    Boletín de Bibliografía Spinozista nº 20.María Luisa De la Cámara García - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (1):295-320.
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    El entusiasmo de la Revolución. Sobre la filiación kantiana del último Foucault.José Luís López de Lizaga - 2019 - Agora 38 (1).
    Este artículo se pregunta si los últimos escritos de Foucault, pertenecientes ya a la década de 1980, superan el déficit normativo que autores como Nancy Fraser o Jürgen Habermas habían criticado en la obra foucaultiana anterior. Y se argumenta que los últimos textos siguen siendo vulnerables a esas críticas, a pesar del giro hacia la cuestión ética del “cuidado de sí” y a pesar de la reivindicación del legado kantiano e ilustrado. En esta argumentación, la comparación de las ideas de (...)
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